Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Day 13 - What is your Earliest Memory

Not a lot here, not sure which is the earliest.

  • I remember being babysat by a lady around the corner that would lock me in the bathroom every morning until I quit crying, and I do not remember anything but the bathroom, so I guess I never quit crying

  • I remember riding my bike down the driveway and across the street. I then turned to talk to, answer, wave goodbye?? to my mom and when I did, I ran into the back of a parked car

  • I remember being given a turntable from dad (David) and he said I just had to take care of it and let him know if anything goes wrong. I remember the needle breaking but instead of making life easy for myself and going to tell him I hid it. I had it taken away. 

I am sure that is enough lol. I have several more (not as many as I probably should)