Carolyn Peyton outside Michele and Doug's home in Welcome MN

Carolyn Peyton and Christina Marie relaxing in Michele's formal living room upstairs

Looking out at the old house before the firehouse used it as training and burned it down.

Bench in the entry hall
Grandfather clock in formal living room

Tv over fireplace in formal living room

View towards garage side door from front porch

Another view looking towards old house

Looking out from the new front porch

view from formal living room towards front door and down stairs

again, view from formal living room towards front door and more towards hallway leading to Dougs office, Michele's crafting room, their bedroom, baths

chairs by fireplace in formal living room

Their spotless garage and stairs leading into downstairs of house

more of garage

Laundry room, to the left as you enter in from the garage, part of broom closet and fridge in the kitchen next to laundry room

Michele whipping something up in her new kitchen

Part of the new kitchen

A smaller living room area as you come in from the garage (the entry from the stair you saw in the garage pic) Carolyn Dagmar Petersen Peyton looking around, getting the tour

Same room, different angle and my mama

Same room different angle

Downstairs bath, across from guest bedroom and next to small living room area

heading into large family room area

area just off of large family room area

large family room area

kitchen off of family room area, kitchette

Christina Marie and Carolyn Dagmar admiring decorations in kitchen/gaming area off of large family room area

Michele describing decorations they are looking at

Michele the tour guide

entertainment center, gaming table, sitting area in large family room area

Mom enjoying the views/tour

Carolyn Dagmar at the bottom of the stairs ready to start the downstairs portion of the tour

View of upstairs formal living area and dining room

View from front door into formal living room

Doug's office

view from end of hall back into entry way

Upstairs hall bath. This is Doug's bathroom. He likes the walk in shower

Closets in Michele's crafting room

Desk and sewing table in Michele's crafting room

Doug and Michele's bedroom, with Carolyn Dagmar looking around

Master bedroom dresser

Master bedroom bed, Doug makes the bed everyday

Michele's soaker tub in her master bath

Vanity in the master bath
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