I had thought of putting dates on the turtles and Chrissy suggested taking it one step further with dates, places etc. and so I will add these to the boxes when they arrive...they are being personalized.
However, with my memory, I thought I would add my memory of purchases as I get them, and Chrissy can edit this post and update the ones that Tyson has purchased for us.
I did not take individual pics of all of them as some are still packed. But here are the ones I keep in the car so they do not get lost.... and then some individual pics will follow of the ones that are next to me...then as I unpack I will get the rest of our collection added

So bright green one in front is from the Utah Aquarium purchased in May of 2015. We went there a day or two before I left and I fell in love with the turtle idea so got 3 of them to start our collection. The turtle on the rock was purchased in Kingwood, I believe in 2015 or early 2016. Eva was shopping and I saw these at the checkout counter and had to have 3. The sea turtle was purchased at the Hogle Zoo on one of my return trips. I have pics of it. I know that mom went with us so was in November of 2017. I drove mom back and stayed for 5 weeks in Oregon. I had arrived after dad Larry passed away so that was then. The rose came from Amanda and I have kept it in my car for almost a decade. The giraffe, polar bear and elephant came from the Hogle Zoo, same time period. The green circular box came from my amazing grandson. We were on Orcas Island, sitting in the ice cream parlor and he asked for his money/allowance/whatever he had earned....left with it, and returned with this amazing gift for my box collection. This box will mean more to me than all of the others that I purchase because of his kind heart and willingness to give.
The arrowhead and slice of rock came from dad Larrys house when we cleared everything out. Small items that I can keep to remember him by. I do not know the origin of them.

This beauty came from Tyson. I believe he got this on Oracas Island?? Chrissy will have to edit to put in place of purchase and date

Around August/Sept. of 2017 Eva and I stopped at a museum on the way to Louisiana. They had brought buildings of old towns together to create a "city" The artifacts were placed in the appropriate buildings. Was amazing. I will include a blog about it if I have not already. Anyway, in the gift shop I saw these piggy back turtles and knew we had to have them, but they only had 1. Desi and I decided that Tyson should have it as I could get hers to her easier when more came in. I called and drove there one other time to check, and they had not come in. Then I was scheduled to leave TX and had 3-4 days to get them. As luck would have it, more came in. I asked her to please put 2 on hold for me. Then plans changed and I now had 1 day and no time to drive 3 hours to get a turtle, no matter what...but I would if I had to. I called and begged them to please charge my card whatever it took and have one of the sweet 75+ year old ladies take them to the post office and mail to me. They did!! I was so pleased we got them and I did not have to drive for them!!

The three turtles that looked like this were purchased in August/Sept. of 2017 at the same location as the turtles above.

These turtles were purchased in Shelby Montana on June 28th 2018. Ash was driving to Canada with her in laws and they stopped at a place that had blown glass animals. She knew about our collection so took a pic and asked if I wanted them. I of course said yes and so she got them for us.

I bought these at a little shop at the Niagara Cave in Harmony, Minnesota. October 26th 2018.We had gone on an Amish tour that morning, ate lunch at a pub, and then Christina went down in the cave while Michele, mom and I went to an antique shop in town and shopped at the Niagara Cave gift shop. I had stayed out in the car to avoid the items I knew I could not resist, but Michele wanted to show me something she found. I went in and spent triple what they spent together!!!

Came from same gift as described above

came from small gift store that was at the beginning of the Amish tour. They had a couple of shops we went in before tour started and after tour ended.

Tyson gave this to me. I think he said that Destiny bought it for us, but I will have to check on that as I do not remember exactly.
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